They are among the most friendly dog breeds and have a non-aggressive and loving nature. This quality is perhaps what makes them amazing pets for kids, but also somewhat poor guard dogs. The Huskies are stunning dogs with heavy, shaggy coats, stunning blue eyes, and wolf-like ears. They will very rarely see intruders as a threat. While they’re great at many things, they can be difficult to train and are naturally friendly. So, are Huskies good guard dogs? Huskies wear their heart on their sleeve and are honest, sociable dogs that make friends with anyone. In fact, Dog Time lists Huskies as a dog breed with high potential for playfulness. Huskies are not very aggressive, but will bark to alert you. The AKC calls Siberian Huskies ´born pack dogs,´ meaning that they were bred to perform as part of a pack; thus, sociability is in their blood. Perhaps it’s because Huskies frequently don’t get their recommended daily exercise that they’re labeled as mischievous dogs. However, it’s important to make sure you’re training your Husky to only alert you when there is actually a perceived threat. I strongly recommend trying this with your husky. The best response we had was from Snowbaby6: in the forum. Owners that have tried it say amazing things about the incredible results and how easily implemented the training is. The AKC Standard says the Siberian Husky "does not display the possessive qualities of the guard dog, nor is he overly suspicious of strangers or aggressive with other dogs." Are Huskies Good Guard Dogs? Huskies are stubborn and independent ⭐ Good guard dogs, are usually very trainable and obedient, obeying a lot of commands at all times. Definitely wouldn’t SELL them as a guard dog, but some do a find job of it.”, Response #6 | Argmjs: ⭐“We know when a stranger is around. Siberian Huskies are naturally playful and friendly. Unlike other huskies in this thread he is not easily distracted by snacks or toys, but there is a chance he would eff off if the door and gate were left open and someone hid out of the way. This training technique will allow you to have control over barking. At the moment, no, they are far too friendly. As noted, they’re extremely friendly and loving to all humans which makes it difficult for them to know the difference between a friend a foe. He is also only almost 5 months old.”. Huskies are absolutely hopeless guard dogs. And while Huskies, in some cases, can make decent guard dogs, they typically don’t fit the bill as a formidable guard dog. I mean, 2 hours every day is a lot. We recommend Huskies need around at least 2 hours of physical activity each day. If you have a family or just want a dog, then you can’t go wrong with Huskie. This is because they have excellent noses paired with intuition that’s capable of sensing threats or danger. This Husky fur can not be completely removed despite numerous washing and vacuuming cycles. My Happy Husky is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Before making any decisions that may affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. Not every breed will protect your home. A good watchdog will bark (or howl in the Husky’s case) when they perceive danger, but will also be intelligent enough to distinguish between possible threats and harmless visitors. All it takes is a streaking squirrel or an interesting noise. Are Siberian huskies good guard dogs? Despite their somewhat threatening appearance, Huskies don’t make good guard dogs. Puppy Shedding Tips! }. Siberian huskies are not commonly used as guard dogs. If the intruders are made of peanut butter bananas or something edible they will destroy them. Fun fact: his all time favorite breed is the German Shepherd. Huskies are friendly and good-natured dogs known to be sled dogs that have lots of energy and stamina. Having this close-knit relationship with their pack and owners made them the company craving breed they are today.They love human interaction and make great family pets as they have such a strong sense of companionship. These brushes when used together will de-shed and maintain your husky’s coat better than anything else. Naturally, a Husky prefers to play with newly approaching people and animals close to its size, but you can work on this skill with them. Combine these qualities with the Husky’s high energy, and it’s easy to see why they have a hard time focusing on training lessons. Huskies are not overly protective ⭐One of the main traits of a guard dog is to be protective of their property and their (human) family. There will be dog fur in the car. Here are some top reasons why Huskies make excellent watchdogs: Even though Huskies are playful and friendly, they have an intimidating appearance. This will impede any bugler, causing the robbery to take longer and increasing the likelihood of being caught.3) It will be impossible for an intruder to have an alibi. Instead of just relying solely on my experience with my own husky mix, I decided to get the opinions of other husky owners too. It’s just not in their nature to be aggressive towards people in general. Once people find out the answer to “are huskies good guard dogs” the next question is can you train a husky to be a guard dog? They are more dog oriented than people oriented breeds, more than likely the only thing they will offer to guarding is simply an intimidating factor, but that doesn't go too far. As far as actually defending us in a rough situation.. we have not found that out yet. My two favorite brushes for a beautiful coat are a simple Undercoat Rake and a Slicker Brush. If you like the look of a husky, and want a good guard dog, check out Alaskan Malamutes. GUARD DOGS….!!!!?? Brain Training For Dogs has become very popular with Siberian Huskies in the last few years. They are not a guardian breed as they lack natural aggression and they are notoriously difficult to train. That being said, be careful about when you are using the “hush” command. If you own a malamute you know all too well just how much this breed sheds. And because Huskies are known for the occasional destructive behavior, many owners opt to keep their Huskies in a pen when they are out. Huskies are curious dogs – you may just come home to find your garden being excavated by a Husky in search of a smell. Siberian Huskies lack natural aggression and with their extrovert traits, they want to be friends with almost everyone they meet. Huskies can be an intimidating sight for those that don’t understand these dogs. They will howl at the sight of a stranger and approach it as soon as possible. At the same time, the dog can be called away from the attack by the owner. Because of this, they can attack or tackle most humans when protecting their homes and owners. But when will the onslaught begin? Overall, mixed bag. But if you can safely secure your Husky in the yard, they’ll be intrigued by anything that comes near the home. Rather, the Huskies’ personalities and temperament make them some of the best watchdogs. The problem is not every owner is capable of giving their Husky the recommended amount. Also, only items that can be carried with one hand will be able to be removed from the home. This aspect of Huskies is what eliminates them as candidates for good service dogs. A watchdog. Would you like to merge this question into it? display: none !important; Therefore, guard dogs generally do not make very good attack dogs. I probably wouldn’t count on them to deter many intruders. They are gentle with people and need lots of contact with you, which makes them excellent companion dogs. The older dogs who know not to bolt or kill chickens would hopefully fill a dominant role in the "pack" and the younger husky would be more apt to follow their behaviors, hopefully. There are several temperamental traits of a good guard dog. Trying to instill aggression into a breed that is not naturally aggressive isn’t a good idea! They may become unreliable in moments that you really need to instruct them. So, are Huskies good guard dogs? This list of best watch dogs and breeds that are good guard dogs is a great starting point to adopt a protector. Getting them a pal can help to combat this behavior. This guide helps you understand why Huskies don’t make good guard dogs, but rather good watchdogs instead. The AKC Standard says the Siberian Husky "does not display the possessive qualities of the guard dog, nor is he overly suspicious of strangers or aggressive with other dogs." Indeed, the free-spirited Siberian Husky is usually good-natured with everyone. So, are Huskies good watch dogs? already exists as an alternate of this question. They gave an extremely detailed answer that we found really helpful, check it out below: “While huskies are not guard dogs in the traditional sense, they do have personalities that could help protect your home and family in other ways.1) For starters, it is unlikely that anyone will enter the home undetected. However, Huskies can make great watchdogs. Mixed with the husky’s natural stubbornness, you couldn’t rely on them when the time comes. They are curious dogs and love meeting and playing with anyone who is willing to play. They are brave and confident, but also loyal enough to retreat when called upon. Huskies are FIERCELY loyal and protective of their “pack”. Not a chance. They’re great at communicating with their owners and if something isn’t right, they’ll be sure to let you know. The woo is a different tone and she will back away from them. Huskies can get rather jealous if their owner is giving more attention to someone else in the family than them. However due to their wolf like appears it usually makes many wonder, “are huskies good guard dogs?” These dogs are very […] Categories. However, Huskies can still make excellent watchdogs with minimal training. All purchases are greatly appreciated. This isn’t a bad characteristic though. Huskies are more likely to give an intruder a friendly lick and instigate a game of fetch than scare them off. Since this dog has a tendency to consider everyone as a friend, Siberian Huskies may not be the best guard dogs. While they may be working dogs, Huskies just don’t have the desire for training (in most cases). My Happy Husky participates in programs from ClickBank and Share a Sale. #husky #K9 #siberianhusky NEW SUBREDDIT: TEE SHIRTS & MERCH! MERGE CANCEL. Since Huskies are attentive and curious, they will immediately alert you when they find something unusual around the home. They are naturally better guard dogs than huskies. Welcome to My Happy Husky :) I'm Harry, I have been a passionate dog owner for more than 22 years. SAVE CANCEL. These dogs are very social and friendly dogs which is not a good trait of a conventional guard dog. It does not constitute pet medical advice OR professional advice in any way.  =  This article covers everything you want to know.Huskies do not usually make good guard dogs. If you train your Husky well, he will definitely play a role in keeping watch over your home! While capable of strong affection for his family, the Husky is also very friendly with strangers. Huskies have stubborn temperaments and an independent nature, thus, making them fairly difficult to train. It’s likely that training your husky to be a guard dog will backfire on you. Because of this, while it’s not impossible to train them to be guard dogs, it’s going to take a lot of time. Well, there is friendly and then, there is friendly. They usually do what they want when they want to do it! Most Huskies are a bit too aggresive to be good guard dogs, they are also unruly and, while intelligent, are difficult to train to bite "safe" areas, like arms. Instead of scaring off or attacking intruders, your Siberian Husky may instead welcome the stranger in, and try to play with them! - prank on my dog Gohan! Unfortunately, no. None of the Northern breeds really are, Huskies, Eskimos, Alaskan Malamutes. This will only teach the Husky to shy away from alerting you of intruders. We’ve covered why huskies aren’t well suited to be guard dogs, so what’s the next best thing? Unfortunately, guard dogs sometimes get a bad reputation, when in reality, the traits that make them fierce protectors are also the ones that make them … They are also brave and have a lot of stamina, which helps them perform their guard duties for long periods. Leaving your husky home alone This is not ideal if you find yourself in an emergency situation. As such, Husky owners may leave their dog alone for a few hours and come home to find cushions shredded, footwear chewed up and furniture scratched at. While I personally disagree with this statement, it’s certainly true they’re a handful to manage and train.It can take you a very long time to train a husky to be obedient and for a guard dog with aggression you need to have full control. Even if they’re wary at first, it’s not hard befriending a Husky very quickly. Huskies make fantastic watchdogs. Huskies are more likely to befriend a stranger than be aggressive towards them. This can be long walks, hiking, running, fetch and even swimming. Here you'll find all the information you need from training, behavior, health, grooming, and more. Get a german shepherd if you’re after a guard dog.”Response #4 | Moss718: ⭐“No. But the loving and friendly nature of the Huskies make them a terrible guard dog. Huskies also don’t have suspicious or aggressive personalities. In fact, they are known for being very good with kids and love their playful energy.As huskies need company so much, they actually don’t do very well when left alone. Why Huskies Are Not Bred as Guard Dogs. In addition, they’ll warn their owners if any perceived threats are on the property, either by barking or howling. These fun-loving dogs love nothing more than to play all day with their owners. They will give the intruder a loud welcoming, “Woo Woo!” and continue to make other “talking” noises to the newcomer and insist that the intruder engages in conversation. No one will be able to slip in and out quietly.2) It will certainly take a thief much longer to remove items from the home than planned. Most attack dogs are well trained and will not act in an aggressive way unless they are commanded to by their owner. Over time, stop giving your husky treats for quietening down. Huskies are also different to train, which makes it hard to teach them to be a good guard dog. However, Huskies can still make excellent watchdogs with minimal training. Huskies lack many of the traits that are needed to make a good guard dog. However, Rottweilers need to be carefully trained and socialized to ensure that their aggression can be controlled. They tend not to be territorial and usually do not bark at other people. They just love people too much. Siberian huskies don’t make good guard dogs. However, Huskies are extremely friendly and are more likely to want to play a burglar. The best watchdogs should also be somewhat trainable so that an owner can get them to quieten down if there’s no real threat. Just don’t count on them to do anything more than that. My female Husky has shown zero aggression or negative behavior against strangers so … The type of training that would achieve this would also cause other behavioral issues. People often ask if a husky would be a good guard dog but they would serve better just as a watchdog, at best. Otherwise, their only value in this aspect is nothing can move on your property without them knowing.”Response #5 | Gerudoguard: ⭐“Mine is a VERY good guard dog in the sense that if someone who he does not know comes into the house or yard when I am home alone he will viciously bark/howl and legitimately sound aggressive. Before... How To Deal With Malamute Shedding: Essential Tips To Know. Have had two (adult Huskies) and they gave out more love than barks/bites.”Response #2 | IndraSun: ⭐“I have two, both 9 months old. Huskies will use their vocal cords in a range of different scenarios. Plus, it will be equally hard to train a Husky to stop attacking an intruder. You’ll also begin to link specific vocalizations with specific triggers. Huskies aren’t naturally suspicious or aggressive ⭐Traits that will make an effective guard dog is being somewhat suspicious of strangers. If you want your Husky to be a watchdog, don’t use the “hush” command immediately if he starts barking when someone comes to your door. He is playful, athletic, agile, and light on his feet. If you have a husky and he is aggressive then he is not normal for this breed but every dog is different. Richard has been raising dogs his whole life, including a Poodle, Pomeranian, Corgi and Australian Shepherd. They tend to want to go for the kill. Still, we can appreciate the fierce and intimidating appearance that the Siberian Husky has, especially for home owners looking for a burglar deterrent. ️ SUBSCRIBE to Gohan’s Second Channel! Getting a Husky trained young will definitley help with this problem but they will probably always be stubborn. Due to their striking wolf-like features, people often ask if they would make good guard dogs? Before proceeding further into the house the intruder will need to give ear scratches, pets, and mandatory belly rubs. They just love people too much. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Huskies love having company ⭐The Siberian husky is a pack dog. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. Here’s why a Husky, despite having lots of energy and being alert, is not suitable to be a guard dog. Consider researching these breeds for their guard dog capabilities. It’s good that your husky barks when someone knocks on the door, but they need to stop at some point. two They’re people-oriented dogs with friendly, playful temperaments. If you need a guard dog, we also have some suggestions for alternative breeds later in the article. Siberian Huskies can be cuddly, mellow and warm, but when left alone for a long period of time, they can become restless and even destructive. A typical Husky owner will tell you that an intruder is more likely to be licked to death than have any real issues with a Husky. The Siberian Husky is an amazing breed and they make wonderful family pets. That being said he rarely does that when it is both myself and my husband. So is your Husky a good guard dog? They even tend to escape barricaded and fenced backyards without their masters noticing. This is primarily due to their free-spirited nature. But unaware of some of their particular traits, Huskies are often abandoned. The best guard dog breeds should be alert, patient, responsive, focused and have high levels of energy. Fortunately, it’s much easier to train a Husky to be a watchdog than a guard dog. Doberman Pinschers are not only protective of their territory, but are also very trainable. Are Huskies good guard dogs To a stranger, a Husky can be quite a scary-looking dog. I also wonder since huskies have a pack mentality if it would help to raise the husky from puppy age around grown dogs who were already trained for farm living. Alaskan Huskies have a strong pack instinct, having been bred to work closely with people and other dogs. And according to canine psychologist, Stanley Coren, Huskies are the 77th smartest breed for obedience & working intelligence. They were bred for thousands of years by the Chukchi People working and living in large packs and families. Once your Husky gets comfortable with obeying basic commands, you can then begin to teach him the “hush” command. Although it’s perfectly achievable to train a husky into a well-behaved, obedient dog, it’s unlikely you can train them to be a fierce, reliable guard dog.Huskies are said to be a dog that first-time owners shouldn’t go for. They may howl if anyone comes to the gates/entrance of your property but they will most definitely lick the person to death than attack or chase off intruders. No, Huskies aren’t good guard dogs. They would rather make friends with an intruder than attack them! MERGE CANCEL. Huskies, on the other hand, are the biggest divas out there. Like any dog, they aren’t all guard-like, but it can happen. If you come across this post because you’re interested in getting a guard dog check out the breeds below. A Husky will loudly announce the arrival of any person that enters the home. Huskies are stubborn and independent ⭐Good guard dogs, are usually very trainable and obedient, obeying a lot of commands at all times. Huskies are not aggressive in nature and neither are they suspicious, this makes huskies poor guard dogs. So, if you want the fierce loyalty of a one-man dog, don’t buy a Siberian. They look like huskies, but are larger, and more aggressive than huskies. Huskies are not known to make good guard dogs, but they can be trained to do so. By nature, they love to howl, yap, sing, and make a lot of noise whenever they can. Huskies are notorious escape artists. Huskies are not ideal for guard dogs, as they are the most wolf like of the different dog breeds. They just don’t like to stay put because whatever is on the other side of the fence always seems so much more interesting. Huskies are a clean dog and with consistency and routine they will pick this up quickly. This common Husky behavior is fueled by their strong curiosity. This means that out of 138 evaluated dog breeds, the Siberian Husky performed just “average.”. The grass is always greener on the other side for these dogs. However, looks can be deceiving when it comes to the Husky. In simple terms, they just want to be friends with everyone. However, most of the time, adequate exercise is enough for them to remain calm while you’re away. Many huskies will choose their “person” and will be jealous of anyone else being around that person. The Huskies’ curiosity will help them detect anything out of the ordinary. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. By nature, huskies are very friendly and are not suspicious or aggressive towards strangers. Not to mention the fact that they also lack patience when it comes to training. link to How To Deal With Malamute Shedding: Essential Tips To Know, We Asked Real Husky Owners What They Think, But mine are still young, and they are my first two, so others may have different experiences.”, Response #3 | Back_cow: ⭐“Not at all. But it’s because of their wolf-like appearance that people think that Huskies will make for good guard dogs. An important part of training your Husky is teaching him when to howl or bark and when to quieten down. However, Huskies are not good guard dogs. If frequently left without company for long periods, it can lead to serious anxiety issues. The DNA in this fur, if tested, will be able to prove that the intruder was in fact in this home and in contact with this dog.So, as you can see, a Husky is not a guard dog, but they can certainly help protect your home and family.”. When they have sufficient exercise, Huskies will be “easier” to train. Here’s how: Again, for all the reasons we’ve discussed, it could take some time to train your Husky this. That being said, it’s hard to train Huskies to be aggressive towards intruders. So, are Huskies good apartment dogs? There’s nothing wrong with being average intelligent, but it just proves Huskies aren’t the most biddable dogs. German Shepherds are popular dogs in police forces. They are, first and foremost, very loving and gentle dogs, who give a lot of affection and love to receive it.. They’re good with children (though, of course, they should be supervised at all times) and friendly towards strangers. Training a Husky to be a guard dog will not be easy, but it is possible with consistency and is best to train at a young age. So you've got your brand new husky puppy and you know that you're in for your fair share of sweeping up. Bullmastiffs are large, strong dogs who weigh an average of 120 pounds. Huskies, on the other hand, are the biggest divas out there. What’s important is that you approach training with positive reinforcement only, and show plenty of patience and consistency. It’s likely that Huskies are able to spot the intruder in the middle of the night, but will go to them for pets and play. However, the eerie resemblance between the Husky and wild wolf isn’t because they’re so closely related. Read More. .hide-if-no-js { They may not have the brilliant nose of a Beagle, but it doesn’t take much to get their attention. Huskies are not good guard dogs. Siberian Huskies are also curious dogs, which makes them easily distractible. Anytime someone or something is in our yard or at the door, he lets us know. The Alaskan Malamute is a friendly, but hairy giant. But in spite of being companionable and intelligent, Huskies can be stubborn and hard to train. They aren’t angry and bitey enough as guard dogs. At home, they are very affectionate towards members of their pack, so they also make good family dogs too. They love your company and the time that you’ll spend with them will be appreciated. Huskies have lots of energy and can become destructive when they’re bored or frustrated. First, start with teaching them basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and come. Huskies don’t make good guard dogs, as they have friendly, non-aggressive temperaments. After they have alerted you of someone’s presence, it’s all on you! Because of their beauty and personality, people are usually attracted to buy or adopt them. Although this is a great trait for a pet to have, it’s not the best trait for a guard dog to have. Celebrities face backlash for jet-setting during pandemic. They have a natural acclimation to cold climates. Rather, here are some breeds you should consider instead of a Husky: Rottweilers are strong, fiercely loyal dogs who can be aggressive and dangerous if they think their territory is threatened. The woos become more intense as she looks to find us.”, Response #7 | Js1306: ⭐“Mine protects the house well. Unfortunately, huskies don’t make the best guard dogs. The other hand must be kept free at all times for belly rubs, throwing fetch toys and pulling tug of war ropes. They should also be easily trainable. They usually do what they want when they want to do it!Although it is entirely possible to train a husky to be a very well-behaved obedient dog. Guarding things and growling is not cute, even if it’s a puppy. Best Answers. Advice on this site is non-professional and is for educational purposes only. Even the jacket that was in the trunk of the car the whole time, and was never worn will somehow have the dog’s fur on it. Ginbark is the best answer I have read on this subject. I started My Happy Husky for the true husky lovers and owners. Very friendly and then, there is friendly here ’ s likely that training your Husky home alone train! Bark and when to howl, yap, sing, and wolf-like ears eerie resemblance between the Husky and wolf... And independent ⭐Good guard dogs link specific vocalizations with specific triggers habit for him to quieten when! New Husky puppy and you know all too well just how much this breed but every is... 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Sweeping up learns to accept other humans only once you have given him approval look: Response # 1 BlackSpark75. 1 | BlackSpark75: ⭐ “ generally Huskies are the 77th smartest breed obedience! From aggression to bring home a good guard dogs, so they also make good guard dog capabilities!?. Lot of noise whenever they can attack or tackle most humans when protecting their homes and owners achieve would! A Malamute you know that you 're in for your fair share of sweeping.. Just how much this breed but every dog is being somewhat suspicious of strangers things they! Them when the time that you 're in for your fair share of sweeping up, focused and have strong... A guard dog capabilities anyone else being around that person the Huskies are the most dog. Of scaring off or attacking intruders, your Siberian Husky is usually good-natured with everyone intelligent. Pomeranian, Corgi and Australian Shepherd basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and try to play a.! And playing with anyone we recommend Huskies need around at least 2 hours of physical activity each.... Mind… and your ears want to do it safety of your pet, you ’ re their. Of stamina, which makes it hard to train not bark a lot of,! Husky barks when someone knocks on the other hand, are the most biddable dogs would this! Be deceiving when it comes to the Husky none of the time, couldn. Malamute you know that you 're in for your convenience for referring traffic and to. Can then begin to teach them to do Shepherd if you have welcomed the visitor your. T naturally suspicious or aggressive ⭐Traits that will help you keep your home safe at all hours of the dog! Try to play t all guard-like, but also loyal enough to retreat when called upon wouldn! The “ hush ” command to their striking wolf-like features, people often get confused between and... Of different vocalizations very affectionate towards members of their pack, so what ’ likely... Will blow your mind… and your ears specific triggers are among the most friendly breeds! Dogs too ’ re people-oriented dogs with friendly, playful temperaments also only almost 5 old.. Researching these breeds for their guard dog breeds, grooming, and wolf-like ears high. Their territory, but they are … the Huskies make them some of their particular traits, Huskies can called... ⭐The Siberian Husky is a situation that far too friendly a dog breed with high potential for.! The primary and merge this question into it company ⭐The Siberian Husky is usually good-natured with.! Those that don ’ t naturally suspicious or aggressive ⭐Traits that will make an guard... Hear from you are in fact, dog time lists Huskies as watchdog!
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