[25] The nose (or rhinarium) is completely covered in fur, with only the two slit-like nostrils visible. The IUCN listed the giant otter as "endangered" in 1999; it had been considered "vulnerable" under all previous listings from 1982 when sufficient data had first become available. Neanderthal Hunting Party v.s. The neotropical otter is active during twilight and darkness, reducing the likelihood of conflict with the diurnal giant otter. Though the fur trade is … [32] Concern over this endangered species has since generated a body of research. In other otter species, vision is generally normal or slightly myopic, both on land and in water. The giant otter shows a variety of adaptations suitable to an amphibious lifestyle, including exceptionally dense fur, a wing-like tail, and webbed feet. The species prefers freshwater rivers and streams, which are usually seasonally flooded, and may also take to freshwater lakes and springs. )[72] The animal sometimes drowns in nets set across rivers and machete attacks by fishermen have been noted, according to Duplaix, but "tolerance is the rule" in Suriname. Giant otters catch their own food and consume it immediately; they grasp the fish firmly between the forepaws and begin eating noisily at the head. [67] Its smaller prey, different denning habits, and different preferred water types also reduce interaction.[58]. [45], Giant otters build dens, which are holes dug into riverbanks, usually with multiple entrances and multiple chambers inside. The giant otter is large, gregarious, and diurnal. [69] While still present in a number of north-central countries, giant otter populations are under considerable stress. This decline is largely due to habitat loss and commercial fur hunting. Whether you’re sailing the coast of the Pacific Northwest or hiking the riverbanks of West Virginia, you now have the tools to tell the difference between river otters and sea otters. One report found between three and eight campsites, clustered around feeding areas. [63], Research generally takes place in the dry season and an understanding of the species' overall habitat use remains partial. [39] Duplaix suggests a division between "residents", who are established within groups and territories, and nomadic and solitary "transients"; the categories do not seem rigid, and both may be a normal part of the giant otter life cycle. [17] Carter and Rosas found average areas a third this size. Although generally peaceful, the species is territorial, and aggression has been observed between groups. [13], Adult giant otters living in family groups have no known serious natural predators, however there are some accounts of black caimans in Peru and yacare caimans in the Pantanal preying on giant otters. This makes the Otter of the Sea vulnerable to hypothermia when this happens. The giant otter is the longest of the otter species but shares a similar weight with the sea otter.Male giant otters can attain a length of 1.5-1.7m (4.9-5.6ft). At 5.6 feet (1.7 meters), they are the biggest otters in the world and the longest members of the weasel family. Many conservation group search for a key to saving the species, but it is hard when fishermen find them to be nuisance. The giant otter needs to eat 6½lb (3kg) of fish each day. Females are smaller at 1-1.5m (3.3-4.9ft). In South America, the giant otter resides among hundreds of hungry caimans (a type of crocodilian related to alligators) without any issue. "Giant otter" translates literally as nutria gigante and lontra gigante in Spanish and Portuguese, respectively. [72] Duplaix relates the story of an Arawak Indian who took two pups from their parents. [78] In a report for World Wildlife Fund in 2002, Duplaix was emphatic about the importance of Suriname and the other Guianas:[59] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. The groups are centered on a dominant breeding pair and are extremely cohesive and cooperative. The Giant River Otter is found to be one of the most dangerous water dwelling creatures in the Guianas, where the locals have given it the name “river wolf”. Did you know…? [4] They are weaned by nine months and begin hunting successfully soon after. Appearance. [47] Study of captive specimens has found only males initiate copulation. [85] A Maxacali creation story suggests that the practice of otter fishing may have been prevalent in the past. The Guianas are one of the last real strongholds for the species, which also enjoys modest numbers — and significant protection — in the Peruvian Amazonian basin. The giant otter is a highly social animal and lives in extended family groups. [58] In addition, solitary animals and young may be vulnerable to attacks by the jaguar, cougar, and anaconda, but this is based on historical reports, not direct observation. They are found along fresh water rivers, lakes and streams. The survival of the giant otter populations in the Guianas is essential to the survival of this endangered species in South America. Marine & Freshwater Environmental Education. Ecotourism also presents challenges: while it raises money and awareness for the animals, by its nature it also increases human effect on the species, both through associated development and direct disturbances in the field. [16] The ears are small and rounded. Males are between 1.5 and 1.7 m (4.9 and 5.6 ft) in length from head to tail and females between 1 and 1.5 m (3.3 and 4.9 ft). It feeds mainly on fish and crabs, which it tracks down with its sensitive whiskers. Schoolchildren, however, had a more positive impression of the animal. Sep 5, 2020 - Explore Kisscaden's board "river otter", followed by 276 people on Pinterest. The sure way to differentiate between the two is the fact that on the surface of the water river otters swim with their belly facing downwards, their bodies almost submerged, but sea otters do backstroke while floating fairly high above the surface of the water. [75], The giant otter has lost as much as 80% of its South American range. [16], An extinct genus, Satherium, is believed to be ancestral to the present species, having migrated to the New World during the Pliocene or early Pleistocene. [47][48] They then search for new territory to begin a family of their own. [47], The giant otter is an apex predator, and its population status reflects the overall health of riverine ecosystems. [4] Other sources have found greater intervals, with as long as 21 to 33 months suggested for otters in the wild. brasiliensis. [57] Carter and Rosas have found captive adult animals consume around 10% of their body weight daily—about 3 kilograms (7 lb), in keeping with findings in the wild. [77] Duplaix returned to the country in 2000 and found the giant otter still present on the Kaburi Creek, a "jewel" of biodiversity, although increased human presence and land use suggests, sooner or later, the species may not be able to find suitable habitat for campsites. 8.) The Giant River Otter is known for being an apex predator, hunting with speed and efficiency, the Giant River Otter is known to eat anything from a piranha to a even caimans. [81], Throughout its range, the giant otter interacts with indigenous groups, who often practice traditional hunting and fishing. Duplaix documented interaction with the neotropical otter. The implementation of CITES in 1973 finally brought about significant hunting reductions,[13] although demand did not disappear entirely: in the 1980s, pelt prices were as high as US$250 on the European market. [72] Specific threats from human industry include unsustainable mahogany logging in parts of the giant otter range,[69] and concentrations of mercury in its diet of fish, a byproduct of gold mining. The giant otter seems to choose clear, black waters with rocky or sandy bottoms over silty, saline, and white waters. [2] It has no serious natural predators other than humans, although it must compete with other species, including the neotropical otter and caiman species, for food resources. The smaller neotropical otter is far more shy, less noisy, and less social; at about a third the weight of the giant otter, it is more vulnerable to predation, hence, a lack of conspicuousness is to its advantage. [13] (Larger figures may reflect two or three family groups temporarily feeding together. This is why so many conservation efforts have been made to save the Otter of the Sea.​. All group members may aggressively charge intruders, including boats with humans in them. The reason for this mass genocide was the desirability of its coat, which had a soft velvety feel, the reason for this thick velvety feeling was because of its bottom layer of fur that covered its skin, when dried and taken care of, the pelt was extremely soft. Defence against intruding animals appears to be cooperative: while adult males typically lead in aggressive encounters, cases of alpha females guarding groups have been reported. You otter know: It’s Sea Otter Awareness Week! The Giant River Otter is becoming extinct, and the total population of the otter is from 1,000 otters to 5,000. The marine otter is larger than the Eurasian Otter. A wavering scream may be used in bluff charges against intruders, while a low growl is used for aggressive warning. The giant otter is clearly distinguished from other otters by morphological and behavioural characteristics. Hunting in shallow water has also been found to be more rewarding, with water depth less than 0.6 metres (2.0 ft) having the highest success rate. One full-year study of giant otter scats in Amazonian Brazil found fish present in all fecal samples. It feeds mainly on fish and crabs, which it tracks down with its sensitive whiskers. [12] The giant otter shares the South American continent with three of the four members of the New World otter genus Lontra: the neotropical river otter, the southern river otter, and the marine otter. Giant Otters’ Main Characteristics. [51] This sensitivity is matched by a strong protectiveness towards the young. The giant otter seems to have evolved independently of Lontra in South America, despite the overlap. Schenck et al., who undertook extensive fieldwork in Peru in the 1990s, suggest specific "no-go" zones where the species is most frequently observed, offset by observation towers and platforms to allow viewing. [13] Total population numbers are difficult to estimate. These are two jaguar sisters named Medrosa and Jaju. Article by Jordyn Dominguez. [2] A significant population lives in the wetlands of the central Araguaia River, and in particular within Cantão State Park, which, with its 843 oxbow lakes and extensive flooded forests and marshlands, is one of the best habitat patches for this species in Brazil. April 26, 2018 - This is a giant otter. [1] P. b. brasiliensis is distributed across the north of the giant otter range, including the Orinoco, Amazon, and Guianas river systems; to the south, P. b. paraguensis has been suggested in Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil, and northern Argentina,[13] although it may be extinct in the last three of these four. 5. This species is the largest among all the species of otters in the world, (sea otters , with their more compact body, can weigh considerably more).The males reach a total length of 1.5 to 1.8 m and a weight between 26 and 32 kg.As for females they usually measure 1.5 to 1.7 m in length and can weigh between 22 and 26 kg. [46], Details of giant otter reproduction and life cycle are scarce, and captive animals have provided much of the information. [40] One tentative theory for the development of sociality in mustelids is that locally abundant, but unpredictably dispersed, and prey causes groups to form. As human activity expands, giant otter home ranges become increasingly isolated. [78] (One researcher has suggested the giant otter is hunted only in desperation due to its horrible taste. Logging, hunting, and pup seizure may have led groups to be far more wary of human activity. These can become quite extensive, including "backdoor" exits into forests and swamps, away from the water. [84] The indigenous Kichwa peoples from Amazonian Peru believed in a world of water where Yaku runa reigned as mother of the water and was charged with caring for fish and animals. Even when told of the importance of the species to ecosystems and the danger of extinction, interviewees showed little interest in continuing to coexist with the species. Two subspecies are currently recognized by the canonical Mammal Species of the World, P. b. brasiliensis and P. b. paraguensis. [64] Pups are more vulnerable, and may be taken by caiman and other large predators,[51] although adults are constantly mindful of stray young, and will harass and fight off possible predators. The giant otter is clearly distinguished from other otters by morphological and behavioral characteristics. [69] The animal's relatively late sexual maturity and complex social life makes hunting especially disastrous.[13][70][71]. It has the greatest body length of any species in the mustelid family, although the sea otter may be heavier. Their coats are among the thickest among mammals, the Otter of the Sea needs this to survive in the cold northern Atlantic Ocean. The Otter of the Sea is very social and travels in 'rafts' of otters. Weights are between 26 and 32 kg (57 and 71 lb) for males and 22 and 26 kg (49 and 57 lb) for females. Fluffy fur and husky profile. [59] It occurs in freshwater rivers and streams, which generally flood seasonally. [37] The species has likely been extirpated from southern Brazil, but in the west of the country, decreased hunting pressure in the critical Pantanal has led to very successful recolonization; an estimate suggests 1,000 or more animals in the region. Adult sea otters typically weigh between 14 and 45 kg (30 to 100 lb), making them the heaviest members of the weasel family, but among the smallest marine mammals. [82], In Suriname, the giant otter is not a traditional prey species for human hunters, which affords some protection. The map above illustrates potential giant otter range. [43][44] Within groups, the animals are extremely peaceful and cooperative. [55] If fish are unavailable, it will also take crabs, snakes, and even small caimans and anacondas. It constructs extensive campsites close to feeding areas, clearing large amounts of vegetation. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), known through much of its range as the 'river wolf', is one of South America's top carnivores and is the largest of the otter species in terms of total length.The muscular, sinuous body is covered with velvety, brown fur, which is dense and water-repellent. Giant Otters have evolved independently from the sea and the river otters in the continent of South America. The Giant river otter has a double layered coat, with a inner coat that is meant as its sense of warmth, and an outer guard layer that covers the inner layer. Giant Armadillo, Giant Flying Squirrel V. Giant Flying Fox, Goat of the Mountain V. Shrew of the Water, Pocket Gopher of the Mountain V. Otter of the Sea, Porcupine of the Cape V. Baby of the Bush, White Faced Capuchin V. Burrowing Bettong, Hairy Nosed Wombat V. Screaming Hairy Armadillo. [72] A number of restrictions on land use and human intrusion are required to properly maintain wild populations. Sleek fur and skinny profile. In seasonally flooded areas, the giant otter may abandon campsites during the wet season, dispersing to flooded forests in search of prey. They can grow to almost six feet in length. This photograph of a Sea Otter feeding on a black mussel was captured in Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska (8/13). You can also find the Neotropical Otter and the Marine Otter in South America. [62] Giant otters may adopt preferred locations perennially, often on high ground. No institution, for example, has successfully raised giant otter cubs unless parents were provided sufficient privacy measures; the stress caused by human visual and acoustic interference can lead to neglect, abuse and infanticide, as well as decreased lactation. Fish remains were of medium-sized species that seem to prefer relatively shallow water, to the advantage of the probably visually oriented giant otter. They are engaged in a standoff near Panthera’s research station in Southern Brazil. (Pteronura brasiliensis) is a South American carnivorous mammal. Giant River Otter. The estrous cycle is 21 days, with females receptive to sexual advances between three and 10 days. Otters (Sea, Giant & River) A collection of otter images from diverse locations. This makes it easier for the adults to catch enough fish for the growing young, and for the pups to learn how to catch fish. Threats: habitat d… They noted that the species may be the basal divergence among the otters or fall outside of them altogether, having split even before other mustelids, such as the ermine, polecat, and mink. [4] At Tierpark Hagenbeck in Germany, long-term pair bonding and individualized mate selection were seen, with copulation most frequently taking place in water. The species is territorial, with groups marking their ranges with latrines, gland secretions, and vocalizations. [38] At least one case of a change in alpha relationship has been reported, with a new male taking over the role; the mechanics of the transition were not determined. [25] Guard hairs trap water and keep the inner fur dry; the guard hairs are approximately 8 millimetres (one-third of an inch) in length, about twice as long as the fur of the inner coat. [58], The species is amphibious, although primarily terrestrial. The otter can attack from both above and below, swiveling at the last instant to clamp the prey in its jaws. [15] Biologist Nicole Duplaix calls the division of "doubtful value". An analysis of dry season range size for three otter groups in Ecuador found areas between 0.45 and 2.79 square kilometres (0.17 and 1.08 sq mi). [39] One fight was directly observed in the Brazilian Pantanal in which three animals violently engaged a single individual near a range boundary. It has the greatest body length of any species in the mustelid family, although the sea otter may be heavier. Giant River Otter v.s Giant Otter Shrew. [24] The fur is extremely dense, so much so that water cannot penetrate to the skin. Statistics show between 1959 and 1969 Amazonian Brazil alone accounted for 1,000 to 3,000 pelts annually. [52], The longest documented giant otter lifespan in the wild is eight years. [24] Giant otters use these marks to recognize one another, and upon meeting other otters, they engage in a behavior known as "periscoping", displaying their throats and upper chests to each other. Prey chase is rapid and tumultuous, with lunges and twists through the shallows and few missed targets. [47] Pups open their eyes in their fourth week, begin walking in their fifth, and are able to swim confidently between 12 and 14 weeks old. The giant otter is also rare in captivity; in 2003, only 60 animals were being held.[4]. [79][80] Bolivia designated wetlands larger than the size of Switzerland as a freshwater protected area in 2001; these are also home to the giant otter. Habitat degradation and loss is the greatest current threat. [41] Population densities varied with a high of 1.2/km2 (3.1/sq mi) reported in Suriname and with a low of 0.154/km2 (0.40/sq mi) found in Guyana. [2] Given local extinctions, the species' range has become discontinuous. Here’s why. In Brazil it is known as ariranha, from the Tupí word ari'raña, meaning water jaguar (Portuguese: onça d'água). Check this one out: Giant otter with fish. Other water habitats include freshwater springs and permanent freshwater lakes. See more ideas about river otter, otters, otter love. [12], The otters form the subfamily Lutrinae within the mustelids and the giant otter is the only member of the genus Pteronura. It is one of the most endangered mammal species in the neotropics. Limits on the number of tourists at any one time, fishing prohibitions, and a minimum safe distance of 50 metres (164 ft) are proposed to offer further protection. Among the Achuar people, they are known as wankanim,[7], among the Sanumá as hadami[8][9] and among the Makushi as turara. Find out more about this beautiful mammal. [73][74] Water pollution from mining, fossil fuel extraction, and agriculture is a serious danger; concentrations of pesticides and other chemicals are magnified at each step in the food chain, and can poison top predators such as the giant otter. These sisters seem intent on possibly broadening their dietary horizons their long tail may as... The world and the river wolf and are the largest otters in the Brazilian Grosso... To extinction through the day and highly inquisitive social species, and seizure... Hums and coos are more reassuring within the group dry season group search for new territory find it impossible set., meaning water jaguar ( Portuguese: onça d'água ) and possible danger bald in... Flattened ; a river on the young pups in rafts of females evidence is limited riverbank taking rest! 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