There is no right answer as no dog is the same and all require different exercise levels. As in 10 minutes of walking per day! Unlike other dogs, these brachycephalic dogs. For example, high-energy breeds – Australian cattle dogs, border collies, Labrador retrievers and others – will need about 2 hours of activity a day, and they’ll want most of this to take the form of vigorous exercise. of several people, I received conflicting answers. Therefore, if you walk one mile, your dog will have covered 1.5 to 2 miles. See my post: Exercise ideas for hyper dogs. Ben Team This is OK. But keeping them fit is very important for the longevity of their joints, too. I would ask your vet about risk of parvo in general in your area and if it’s not a big risk you should be able to go for walks. 8-week-old puppies that get out for walks are getting socialized. Your Dog’s Exercise Needs Vary Based on Breed, © Copyright 2021 by K9 Of Mine / Marrsipan Media LLC |, strategies to get your dog indoor exercise. Yes, I’m glad I’m able to take Remy on trails as well. In addition to that, Remy ideally got the opportunity to run and play at his own pace off leash for 20 minutes or so each day. I’ll compromise. Is there a danger of walking too much? This is very frustrating. When their 8 weeks old they usually tire out before hitting the 20 minute mark. When it comes to determining how far to walk them, however, it’s probably best to consider how much time outdoors they need to maintain optimal health. Just use common sense from here on out. I think what you’re doing sounds OK. Next question. Congrats on your puppy. Our breeder said we should walk Kaito as many minuts at a time as his age in weeks. Puppies need plenty of exercise and stimulation, but don’t overdo it. I would stick to walking since she is such a large breed. i think a lot of these things depends on the breed, weight, size, and development. While most full grown adult dogs can handle holding it up to 8 hours, puppies need much more frequent trips to the bathroom. My new puppy is 11 weeks. Dog Care Thereâs no way I could live with a working weimaraner puppy if I could only walk him 20 minutes a day. I think if I didn’t walk him he’d still end up exerting himself at least as much running around the house in boredom (as happens if we skip a walk). I have a 6 year old Min Pin mixed with something else that made him larger than your average min pin and packed with plenty of energy. We will not have her spayed until she is at least 18 months, and I think this is much more important for her development, joint formation, and proper closing of the growth plates. He doesn’t want to be carried on hands. Low impact exercise, such as walking, puts far less stress on developing bones and joints than running and jumping does. Dog owners mean well and sometimes people feel the need to share their very strong opinions about not to walk a puppy too far. I have found it so difficult for satisfy her needs with only the 5 minutes pr. Following this âruleâ results in puppies not getting enough activity. Determining the proper level of exercise requires the careful consideration of a variety of factors, including your dog’s age, size, breed and health status. It is more important to go through a good breeder that does genetic testing than it is to reduce a puppyâs exercise. A general rule when walking a puppy is five minutes per month of age. The daily walk. I panicked a little when I read about the 5min x month rule, so this reassures me. He did great! i did not really take them out with other dogs til they got all of their shots as well. We have four dogs and when Scout and Zoey were puppies, Rodrigo and Sydney were adults. Puppies can generally cope with five minutes of walking for every month of their age (which equates to a 15-minute walk for a three-month-old). A general guide for exercising puppies is to allow them one to two sessions of five minutes walking for each month of age, so for example, a four month old pup could enjoy walks of 20 minutes at a time, once or twice a day. Sheâs 13 weeks, a pitbull, and only 16 lbs but so strong! Could soft steps damage a puppy joints? Heâs 4.5 months old and has endless emu. I sometimes take her for a pre-bedtime 1/2 mile walk which helps her tire out once again and sleep well until it is time to potty at 3 am. i did not even get a puppy while i was working full time, because i was gone over 10 hrs a day. Any advise? I was like, um, that’s a mega walk? Will it be safe for me to put him down and walk on his own? We are raising a Dalmatian puppy that is 19 weeks now and the thought of walking her only 25 minutes per day is laughable. Older canines still need and benefit from exercise, but their aging joints and reduced energy level will limit the amount of activity they want or need. But it’s so hard to do all the “prescribed” socialisation before he’s 4.5 month old if now going outside. All measured up, the walk would be 800m / 1000m tops. Sounds like you are doing a great job with that too. Itâs also a great idea to sign your puppy up for a puppy training class or âpuppy kindergartenâ class. If I donât do a jog/walk of about a mile or a mile and a half she is a lunatic, but now Iâm worried about her joints, especially because she is a large breed puppy. But Boerboels aren’t Weimaraners, which are slender compared to the Bullmastiff-like proportions my boy one day will have.. I usually feed him right before our morning walk or short run (just a mile or so) and I don’t worry about it. The frequency of walks depends mostly on your dog’s needs and your own availability. Each area is different depending on dog traffic, wildlife, etc. This type of long leash walking is often referred to as compression walking. Should I stop him from doing that? Another post all together. Yes, that sounds great. However, there are other factors to consider which could alter your puppy walking routine: Consider how strenuous the walk is. however, i have little girls, mini schnauzers. I have never heard of the math equation thanks for the new info! It’s hard to recommend a specific distance, so you really just have to “listen” to your pooches. Other factors to consider when exercising your puppy: What is your approach to walking and exercising a puppy? And sometimes you just need to put them in their crate/kennel for a nap. For me, that meant about two 35-min walks a day for my puppy. Thereâs a lot of fear right now about walking a puppy or young dog too far and potentially damaging the pupâs developing joints. You wouldn't walk a 3 year old too far. We both get tangled up now and again but itâs been rewarding. As long as your pooch is healthy, I don’t think 15 minutes a day is a problem at all — if anything, he or she may want a little more time to check out the neighborhood! It certainly makes crate training quieter. Some dogs prefer longer walks than others (Picture: Getty Images) You might have heard last week that authorities in Germany have proposed a law that requires dog owners to walk … In other words, a 2-month-old puppy should be walked for about 10 minutes at a time, whereas a 10-month-old puppy can remain active for about 50 minutes, including some high-intensity activity. Once your dog approaches 7 or 8 years of age (sooner for short-lived breeds), talk to your vet about how to properly adjust your aging dog’s exercise requirements and walking schedule. I do not believe in following this equation. ð. Just my opinion. I may earn money from the companies mentioned in this post. Generally, itâs safe to introduce your puppy to adult dogs that are vaccinated. This can be psychologically stressful for a dog. Dog parks are not necessarily âbadâ for puppies but they can be very overwhelming and you have little control of the other dogsâ behavior. (And letâs just say he was not at all tired after this.). Your email address will not be published. My puppy is bred for endurance! Health and Care. I really donât know what to do with her – she only tires when playing with other dogs and then sheâs REALLY running/jumping/hurling herself about! How far can my puppy walk/jog? Use common sense. Lindsay, how long do you wait after feeding to take your Weim on a run? i did not want them to pick up anything until they had all of their shots and matured a little. We do mental exercises like hiding treats around the house and he loves a bone and will chew on one for hours. I just don't force her to walk … I have a Weimaraner puppy, and this dog would be at the humane society by now if I had to follow that silly puppy walking equation. Also – is it just the beagle in him – or is there such a thing as too much sniffing. They are the experts and can give you the best advice. Click Here. Regular veterinary visits can help determine whether those changes are nor… Start slow and build- but still no long distances for a while. 10 Comments. A friend sent me the following image which illustrated just how long it takes for a dog’s growth plates to close and I wanted to ensure that I gave Freya the best possible chance of being free from joint issues in the future. You sound a lot like how I was with my weim. they also needed to be a certain weight. Carry your puppy if he gets tired! Walks will naturally be slow with puppies. We each have to make our own decisions based on the area’s risks. I personally lean on the side of providing as much exercise as possible, within reason. I recommend you use a light/thin nylon leash so it is not too heavy for your puppy. Today, she was quite stir crazy so we went on a walk that ended up being an hour and a half because I lost track of time. They are all so different depending on breed, size and personality. At 13, anything over 7 or 8 miles is too long for him now. Maybe it’s naive, but I don’t see how one mega walk every month or so can be harmful to a puppy of his age. 15-20 miles a day if dog used to hiking long distances and up to 10 miles a day for dogs that aren't used to long hikes. Sheâs a ball of energy. Rescues and shelters typically spay or neuter puppies as young as 8 weeks old, for example. Brittany’s are active dogs. I would say, trust your gut and be reasonable. At four months, this increases to 20 minutes. Youâll probably do a lot of stopping so he can sniff and explore and go potty. What do we think? We just got an 8 week old Weim and are super excited to start walks with her. We put the sofa backrest and pillows all around the sofa in order to soften his descend, but still it looks like steps, despite being soft. she did not seem tired and stayed awake for at least another hour after her walk playing at home. So, for example, 15 minutes at three months old, 25 minutes at five months, and 40 minutes at eight months. A puppy under the age of 3 months is a toddler (in comparison to humans). What is a safe walking distance for them?? So that would be fifteen minutes a day maximum for a three month old puppy, twenty minutes for a four month old and so on. If it seems too far and you have to encourage her along, then it might be too far but I’m guessing she’ll be an active little pup! she did not want to see my dogs and wanted to charge me extra. You might even notice that he sleeps more or takes a bit longer to rouse or respond to commands. If you are concerned, then back off a bit. He currently lives in Atlanta, GA with his spoiled-rotten Rottweiler named J.B. Tell us all about your routine in the comments below! in the early months, they are just not built to walk very far. We like hiking in the Colorado mountains during the summer. A half-hour is a safe distance for most puppies at 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 16 weeks, etc. Itâs common practice for shelters and rescues to spay and neuter puppies at 8 weeks old. So I was comfortable taking my dog for neighborhood walks but I waited on the dog park and dog beach until he was fully vaccinated. Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of That Mutt. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’ve never known a ‘highly active’ Cattle Dog. I had a field trial springer spaniel (working springer spaniel) for 14 years. How far can a dog hike in a day? I would also get her into some obedience classes if you haven’t already. After a few hours he can go outside and run circles around the yard. Always start walking regimens slowly, so your dog can acclimate to the new activity before diving headfirst into a heavy-duty walking program. Required fields are marked *. Itâs OK to start training your puppy to walk on a leash right away from when you bring your puppy home. But as with everything else in the dog world we all have to make our own decisions. Carrying two puppies and holding two leashes is possible if NO ONE is around, but when has that ever happened? 7 Hacks For Getting Dog Hair Off of Clothes in the Washer or Dryer. I start walking in the minute we start walking she starts panting. What about parvo virus heard 14 weeks to walk outside. I talked with my puppyâs vet and my puppyâs breeder and this is what worked for us. I think walking a mile would be just fine and you can increase that to 2-3 miles pretty soon in my opinion. Reward her with treats and praise. We don’t go fast she sets the pace. My another concern is about a sofa. Be safe and carry your puppy. She’s not even tired after it. By the way, I know you’ve written about this before, but what’s your rule of thumb for running with your puppy? Our routine is a brisk 25-30 min walk first thing every morning, then 15 mins to run off leash and explore around mid day And then a 10 min walk at night before bed. Visiting the park or going on a slow stroll are both great ideas for exercising a puppy. Going on a walk with your dog is not exactly a high-risk activity – particularly if your walk only takes you through the well-manicured and often-antiseptic suburbs. I had an admin on a Pitbull Facebook page tell me that our walks would do severe damage to his joints. Learn more here or email Conversely, basset hounds, bulldogs and other low-energy breeds probably only need about 30 minutes or so of activity a day. Early spay/neuter is only one factor. They need mental stimulation. He will have his first injection on Tuesday. OK, enough from me! She’s great on leash and let’s me know when she’s tired. So, when they are 12 weeks old, they can walk for 15 minutes. I didn’t know this initially, but figured it out as I became a more experienced dog owner. I think the reality is we just don’t know for sure. Read it when you have time. Some of the most important ones include: Few authorities make concrete recommendations regarding exercise limits or guidelines, but those that do often recommend that healthy adult dogs get between 30 to 120 minutes of exercise each day. Very good at using their brains to minimise any exertion, they are. We find that at least one 45 min walk per day works well with our 8month old, though some days he needs a second walk of about 20-30mins. Sitting in a kennel/crate all day is not healthy for a little puppyâs developing joints either! Before you take your puppy for a walk for the first time you must have it de-wormed and make sure … My wife said we should name him Turbo instead of Kaito ð. This rule of thumb says that a puppy should have no more than five minutes of walking for every month of his age. The daily walk is essential for all dogs not only to release some pent-up energy. If you take your puppy hiking, you should follow the same approach as you would with walking. Hey, Amanda. My husband and I are avid hikers and want her to be active so I wanted to get her used to it young. Slow, steady walking helps puppies build strong muscles. She pulls so much i have read lots of things and I need help. Of course, you would want to let her set the pace. If necessary, these walks can be split up during the day so that your puppy doesn’t get over-tired. He got tired, we had a 10 minutes rest on a bench and he ran again. Still with plenty of breaks of course. I was comfortable walking my 16-week-old puppy Remy for about 35 minutes at least once a day. Iâve got a 14 week old Great Pyr/Anatolian Shepherd mix. A puppy shouldn’t cover more than a couple of miles until she is grown. I’ve heard of the 5minutes per age formula prior to getting my puppy, but I quickly had to ditch that suggestion as my puppy is very high energy and needed longer walks. He likes be on the sofa but he needs a possibility to go back to the floor without jumping down. A Jack Russell terrier puppy might be more energetic than a cocker spaniel puppy, for example. Ah, this is easy: You should walk your dog for as long as it takes him to poop, pee and obtain enough exercise. 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