Bar the student from enrolling in the College or registering for a course or examination. Thus, apart from being entrusted with rights, students are entrusted with responsibilities and duties that they are expected to perform and help in the development of society. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 500.96 Noncertified Source Purchases (Repealed Eff. Student Rights and Responsibilities The University of Arizona Global Campus is committed to fostering an environment that respects and values diversity, self-advocacy and self-determination. Dress appropriately for a K-12 educational environment. SELF-SUPPORTING COURSE SECTIONS, 1E SBCCC 600.2 Authority to Charge Self-supporting Fees, 1E SBCCC 600.4 Deposit and Use of Self-supporting Fees, 1E SBCCC 600.99 Fees for Extension Programs (Repealed Eff. 01 October 2018), 1B SBCCC 400.97 College Planning (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.94 Expenditure of State Funds: Postage Machines (Repealed Eff. Rights & Responsibilities All students have the right to continue their education free from the threat of harassment, abuse, retribution, or violence. State Board of Community Colleges Code (SBCCC), 1A SBCCC 100.1 Reserved for Future Codification, 1A SBCCC 200.1 Mission of the Community College System, 1A SBCCC 200.3 Authority to Waive a SBCC Code Provision, 1A SBCCC 200.4 Sound Fiscal and Management Practices, 1A SBCCC 200.6 Delegation of Contractual Authority, 1A SBCCC 300.2 Establishing Service Areas for Colleges, 1A SBCCC 300.4 Establishing Military Service Areas, 1A SBCCC 300.98 Establishing Military Service Areas (Recodified at 1A SBCCC 300.4), 1A SBCCC 300.99 Instructional Service Agreements (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 500.97 Special Purchasing Delegations (Repealed Eff. In all conduct cases at the In FCPS, students have the responsibility to: 1. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 700.99 Authority to Establish Tuition and Fees (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.91 Appropriation Requests and Allocation Policy (Repealed Eff. Students must be academically eligible for re-admission to the last institution attended. The law student, as a member of the academic community, has both rights and responsibilities. Attend school regularly and on time, and follow assigned schedules. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 900.99 Fees for Extension Programs (Repealed Eff. hearing/review and during a hearing. accept the rights and authority of the school and Board of Trustees to maintain standards of behavior for all students. A student shall have the right to participate in a free exchange of ideas, and there shall be no University rule or administrative rule that in any way abridges the rights of freedom of speech, expression, petition and peaceful assembly as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. 3. As a student involved in a hearing you are entitled to the following: 1 June 2014), 3A SBCCC 100.95 Hearings (Repealed Eff. Assign a failing grade for an examination or course. In the activities of student groups and the conduct of student government, discrimination based on race, ethnic background, national origin, sex, age, sexual preference, or physical disability shall be expressly prohibited. We aim to cultivate a safe and secure environment in which all students can succeed and grow as engaged community members. ADULT HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY TEST FEES, 1E SBCCC 500.1 Adult High School Equivalency Test Fees, 1E SBCCC 500.99 Reserved for Future Codification, SUBCHAPTER 600. Students have the right to be free from intrusion into personal matters, but these rights end where the safety of others is concerned. 11) The right to a fair and impartial hearing, including a separate hearing upon request. INITIATING RULEMAKING PROCESS, 3B SBCCC 200.1 Publication of Proposed Rule, 3B SBCCC 200.2 Written Notification of Proposed Rules, SUBCHAPTER 300. Suspend or administrative withdrawn the student. The Right to a Free, Public School Education. 10) Confidentiality in the handling of the conduct process in accordance with applicable policy and law. The Los Rios student rights and responsibilities are based upon the following three fundamental concepts: College students, citizens of the United States, and foreign guests are members of the academic community They have the same rights and freedoms that all citizens have as students, and must comply with federal and state laws and statutes DEFINITIONS 1 June 2014), 3A SBCCC 100.94 Hearing Officer (Repealed Eff. The Student Rights and Responsibilities Code identifies and describes college expectations, students' rights, and outlines the process for resolving disciplinary matters and Code violations. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.95 Expenditure of State Funds: Certificate Costs (Repealed Eff. STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 400.95 Surplus Property (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 400.98 Capital Project Approval and Obtaining Capital Funds (Repealed Eff. Our Mission. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 900.1 Curriculum Tuition Refunds, 1E SBCCC 900.2 Continuing Education Registration Fee Refunds, 1E SBCCC 900.3 Refund Due to Death of Student, 1E SBCCC 900.5 Refund of Self-Supporting and Local Fees, 1E SBCCC 900.98 Tuition and Fees for Curriculum Programs (Repealed Eff. In keeping with the ideals of a democracy, students shall be granted the rights and responsibilities of self-government. 16 May 2014), SUBCHAPTER 400. See Student Complaint Procedures. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUTHORITY, 1B SBCCC 400.1 Accreditation by the Southern Association, 1B SBCCC 400.4 Provision of Information to the System Office, 1B SBCCC 400.5 Performance Accountability, 1B SBCCC 400.96 Accreditation by the Southern Association (Repealed Eff. Rights and Responsibilities. 1 June 2014), 3A SBCCC 100.98 Fees (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 300.99 Bookstore: Vending Machine (Repealed Eff. The University may take whatever measures it deems necessary in order to protect the safety, security, or integrity of a Complainant, the University, or any member of the University Community. Charity begins at home, and school is the second home of students. mission of the University. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 300.1 Tuition for Curriculum Programs, 1E SBCCC 300.99 Tuition and Fees for Curriculum Programs (Repealed Eff. FCPS expects students to balance expression of their rights with observance of their responsibilities. choosing. 01 October 2018), SUBCHAPTER 500. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.88 Distribution of Federal Vocational Education Funds (Repealed Eff. Within that community, the law student’s most essential right is the right to learn. of whether it is more likely than not that a student violated the Code. A student must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, as calculated by the college from which he or she graduated, and a grade of C or better in all CAA courses. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Fairness | Honesty | Respect | Responsibility | Trust, Academic Integrity Frequently Asked Questions. 1 June 2016), 1D SBCCC 300.95 Human Resources Development Program Continuation (Repealed Eff. We ask that you use this document as a framework for discussing these expectations with your child or teen so that he or she is well prepared for success when the school year begins. GENERAL COLLEGE OPERATIONS, 1B SBCCC 600.99 Intercollegiate Athletics, 1C SBCCC 100.1 Reserved for Future Codification, 1C SBCCC 200.94 Local College Personnel Policies, 1C SBCCC 200.96 Equal Employment Opportunity, 1C SBCCC 200.97 Employment of Women and Minorities in Administrative Positions, 1C SBCCC 200.99 Political Activities of Employees, SUBCHAPTER 300. 1 November 2015), 1E SBCCC 200.1 Authority to Establish Tuition and Fees, 1E SBCCC 200.2 Time Due, Deferred Payment, Failure to Pay, 1E SBCCC 200.98 Authority to Establish Tuition and Fees (Repealed Eff. The right to a free, public school education is a basic … Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) supports the maintenance of a safe, accountable, and inclusive community. SUBCHAPTER 100. Students have a responsibility to respect all staff members and fellow students. The Student Rights and Responsibilities document explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable and supportive school environment. A finding of responsible will be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that a student violated the Code. FTE REPORTING CATEGORIES/CRITERIA, 1G SBCCC 200.93 Reporting of Student Hours In Membership for Curriculum Classes, 1G SBCCC 200.94 Reporting of Student Hours In Membership for Continuing Education Classes, 1G SBCCC 200.95 Limitations In Reporting Student Membership Hours, 1G SBCCC 200.96 Training for Public Safety Agencies, 1G SBCCC 200.97 Human Resources Development Program Continuation, 1G SBCCC 200.98 Customized Training Program, 1G SBCCC 200.99 Reporting Student Membership Hours to the Department (Repealed Eff. 01 January 2020), 1C SBCCC 400.2 College President Salaries, 1C SBCCC 400.3 College Employee Rates of Pay, 1C SBCCC 400.4 Reporting of College Employee Salaries, 1C SBCCC 400.6 Educational Leave with Pay, 1C SBCCC 400.8 Longevity Pay Plan for College Personnel, 1C SBCCC 400.9 Employee Meritorious Service Awards, 1C SBCCC 400.94 Establishing Pay Rates (Repealed Eff. If the student is administrative withdrawn, the College reserves the right to revoke all credits. 01 October 2018), 1C SBCCC 400.99 Payroll Deductions (Repealed Eff. Your Rights and Responsibilities A conduct hearing is not a criminal or civil trial, although some conduct allegations referred by the University Police may also result in criminal charges. Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities When beginning to study Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities, the first skill that a student must master is the difference between a right, a rule, and a responsibility and it’s a hard thing to do! 01 October 2018), 1C SBCCC 400.96 Educational Leave With Pay (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.96 Expenditure of State Funds: Special Funds (Repealed Eff. Vision Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR), in alignment with the vision of student … 01 October 2018), 1C SBCCC 400.98 Longevity Pay Plan for College Personnel (Repealed Eff. The office works to provide opportunities for students to reflect on their behavior and grow in the process. opportunities of the accused other than the appropriate appeal rights. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities supports the University’s mission of preparing students for lives of engaged citizenship and leadership in a global society through advocacy, education and accountability. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.98 Maintenance of Plant Flexibility (Repealed Eff. 01 October 2018), 1D SBCCC 100.1 Reserved for Future Codification, 1D SBCCC 200.2 Enrollment/Eligibility Requirements, 1D SBCCC 200.95 Education Services for Minors, 1D SBCCC 200.99 Drivers' Eligibility Certificate, 1D SBCCC 300.6 Instructional Service Agreements, 1D SBCCC 300.94 Faculty (Repealed Eff. RULEMAKING PROCESS AND CODIFICATION SYSTEM, 3A SBCCC 100.93 Petitions (Repealed Eff. 1 June 2014), 3A SBCCC 100.96 Statement of Reasons for and Against Rule-Making Decision (Repealed Eff. In order to preserve that right, all students must become aware of the following responsibilities: 1. COVID-19 Student Conduct Operating Procedures 01 October 2018), 1C SBCCC 400.97 Military Leave (Repealed Eff. 9) To waive any of these hearing rights – A “responsible” plea represents a waiver of all hearing 1 June 2014), SUBCHAPTER 100. University Police may also result in criminal charges. These rights shall include the freedom to pursue educational goals, the freedom of expression and inquiry, the right to privacy and confidentiality of records, and the right to due process as established in the Code of Student Conduct. Make certain your child arrives at school on time and is ready to learn. 6) The opportunity to consult with the Student Government Attorney General’s Office to prepare for a DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS, 1G SBCCC 100.98 Reserved for Future Codification, SUBCHAPTER 200. 1) A fair and timely hearing, including the right to challenge the composition of hearing bodies. Mission Student Rights and Responsibilities administers a fair, educational, and consistent conduct process that holds students and student organizations accountable to the Student Conduct Code. 1 June 2014), 3A SBCCC 100.97 Record of Rule-Making Proceedings (Repealed Eff. 2) Knowledge of the accusations and evidence. Your Rights and Responsibilities 01 October 2018), 1B SBCCC 400.99 Provision of Information to the Department of Community Colleges (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 500.99 No Cost Extension of Contracts (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 500.98 Acquisition of Automated Data Processing (ADP) Resources (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.92 Disbursement of State Funds (Repealed Eff. Students are responsible for exercising their freedoms with honesty, integrity, and respect for the principles of justice, equality, and human rights. Respect the rights and property … 1 June 2016), 1D SBCCC 300.99 Education Services for Minors (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 400.97 Acquisition of Equipment (Repealed Eff. Follow rules, procedures, and processes. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 800.97 Tuition and Fees for Curriculum Programs (Repealed Eff. 1 August 2014), 2A SBCCC 300.6 North Carolina Proprietary School Fee Schedule, 2A SBCCC 400.9 Issuance of Certificates and Diplomas, 2A SBCCC 400.13 Teach-Out Plan and Record Retention, 2A SBCCC 500.1 Administration of Student Protection Fund, 2A SBCCC 500.2 Purpose of the Student Protection Fund, TITLE 3. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.93 Expenditure of State Funds: Accreditation Expenses & Dues (Repealed Eff. CONTINUING EDUCATION REGISTRATION FEES, 1E SBCCC 400.1 Continuing Education Registration Fees, 1E SBCCC 400.99 Fees for Extension Programs (Repealed Eff. Section 1: Rights and Responsibilities Students, as members of the College community, shall have certain rights. SRR is committed to the development of individual students and the education of members of the campus community on the rights and responsibilities of communal membership. 3. For instance, information that leads administrators to believe a student has a weapon in his backpack justifies a search of the backpack. 1B SBCCC 500.1 Excused Absence for Military Service; 1B SBCCC 500.98 Educational Guarantee; 1B SBCCC 500.99 School Absence for Religious Observances; SUBCHAPTER 600. 7) Receive in writing the outcome of the case. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 300.2 Reserved for Future Codification, 1H SBCCC 300.3 Bookstore and Bookstore Commissions, 1H SBCCC 300.4 Vending and Concession Activities, 1H SBCCC 300.97 Live Projects (Repealed Eff. Center for Student Rights & Responsibilities The UCLA Extension Student Rights and Responsibilities Center is an important partner in ensuring that all Extension students abide by the civil and criminal laws and policies that govern all aspects of the University of California and UCLA. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 800.99 Fee Waivers for the Human Resources Development Program (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), SUBCHAPTER 400. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.87 Operating Budget Requests: Distribution of Funds (Repealed Eff. 1B SBCCC 600.99 Intercollegiate Athletics; CHAPTER C. PERSONNEL. 4) Offer relevant evidence and witnesses. This section communicates the meaning and importance of personal and academic integrity to all members of the University community. PGCPS respects the rights of all individuals to be treated equally and fairly … STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 1B SBCCC 500.1 Excused Absence for Military Service, 1B SBCCC 500.99 School Absence for Religious Observances, SUBCHAPTER 600. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 400.94 Equipment Purchases (Repealed Eff. 1 June 2016), 1D SBCCC 300.97 Instructional Service Agreements (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 300.6 Eff. The University provides for the law student those privileges, opportunities, and protections that best promote the … Even the youngest children can demonstrate accountability by treating others fairly and following the rules. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. I’ve created this resource to help your students get them straight 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.99 Expenditure of State Funds Prohibited: Intercollegiate Athletics (Repealed Eff. University in which a hearing is held, the practice will be consistent with the educational context and 3) Adequate time to prepare your presentation for a hearing. As democracy’s college, Miami Dade College changes lives through accessible, high-quality teaching and learning experiences. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 400.99 Open-End Design Agreements (Repealed Eff. 16 May 2014), 1F SBCCC 100.97 Student Loan Funds for Vocational and Technical Education, 1F SBCCC 100.98 Community College Grant Program, 1F SBCCC 100.99 Targeted Assistance/Less Than Half Time, SUBCHAPTER 100. The purpose of this policy is to identify the rights and responsibilities of ACC students, to specify acts prohibited and standards of conduct required, and to set a range of appropriate penalties when rules are violated. If the student has withdrawn or graduated, any credits an… A statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, including The Pillars of the Arch, stands as the philosophical foundation for the Code of Conduct at the University of Georgia. The University of North Dakota Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities supports the campus learning environment and contributes to student learning and the overall safety and civility of the community. Rights & Responsibilities. 2. 1 June 2016), 1D SBCCC 400.5 Curriculum Instructional Contract Provisions, 1D SBCCC 400.6 Curriculum Program Approvals and Terminations, 1D SBCCC 400.7 Instructional Service Agreements, 1D SBCCC 400.8 Courses for Curriculum Programs, 1D SBCCC 400.10 Curriculum Program of Study, 1D SBCCC 400.11 Education Services through Career and College Promise (Curriculum), 1D SBCCC 400.93 Faculty (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 400.4 Eff. 1 November 2015), SUBCHAPTER 600. Every student has some responsibilities … EMPLOYMENT/HIRING PRACTICES, 1C SBCCC 300.1 Presidential Selection Process, 1C SBCCC 300.4 Re-Employment of Retired Persons, 1C SBCCC 300.96 Administrative (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.90 Library Book Funding System and Budgetary Application (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.89 Equipment Budget Requests: Distribution of Funds (Repealed Eff. The Rights and Responsibilities also outline the resources that can help students to resolve situations that may disrupt learning. In all conduct cases at the 1 June 2014), 3A SBCCC 100.99 Declaratory Rulings (Repealed Eff. Punctuality and good attendance are family responsibilities. 4. A conduct hearing is not a criminal or civil trial, although some conduct allegations referred by the Student Responsibilities It is the student’s responsibility to reapply for financial aid each year by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at It is the student’s responsibility to use financial aid funds for educational purposes only. Every student is responsible for contributing to making the UFV community safe, respectful, and inclusive. 1 June 2016), 1D SBCCC 300.96 Continuing Education Program Management (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 200.97 Expenditure of State Funds: Travel and Allowances (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 400.96 Donated or Loaned Property (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 500.1 Noncertified Source Purchases, 1H SBCCC 500.2 Special Purchasing Delegations, 1H SBCCC 500.95 Purchase/Computer Hardware: System Software/State Contract (Repealed Eff. SUBCHAPTER 500. College disciplinary procedures respect the due process rights of students. A finding of responsible will be made on the basis 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 700.3 Instructional Technology Fees, 1E SBCCC 700.4 College Access, Parking and Security (CAPS) Fees, 1E SBCCC 700.98 Other Fees (Repealed Eff. 1 November 2014), SUBCHAPTER 400. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 800.98 Fees for Extension Programs (Repealed Eff. Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Judicial Affairs The intent of the Judicial Affairs program is to uphold student rights and develop students’ ability to make responsible decisions in order to maintain mutual respect, integrity, and an environment where all students can … STATE BOARD APPROVAL PROCESS, 3B SBCCC 300.1 Changes Based on Public Comment, 3B SBCCC 400.2 Adoption of Temporary Rules, SUBCHAPTER 100. RESERVED FOR FUTURE CODIFICATION, SUBCHAPTER 400. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities is committed to providing a fair and engaging process for the resolution of alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct. EXTERNAL USE OF COLLEGE FACILITIES AND RESOURCES, 1H SBCCC 600.1 Assistance for Economic Development, 1H SBCCC 600.99 Assistance for Economic Development (Repealed Eff. 5) Representation, at your own expense, by a licensed attorney or non-attorney advocate of your GENERAL COLLEGE OPERATIONS. PROPERTY AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, 1H SBCCC 400.2 Surplus and Irreparable Books and Book-Like Media, 1H SBCCC 400.3 Donated or Loaned Property, 1H SBCCC 400.4 Capital Project Approval and Obtaining Capital Funds, 1H SBCCC 400.5 Open-End Design Agreements, 1H SBCCC 400.6 Construction Prequalification Policy, 1H SBCCC 400.93 Surplus and Irreparable Books and Book Like Media (Repealed Eff. Respect the authority of staff members. 1 November 2015), 2A SBCCC 300.1 Application for Initial License, 2A SBCCC 300.2 Application for License Renewal, 2A SBCCC 300.3 Application to Amend License, 2A SBCCC 300.4 Application Upon Sale of Proprietary School, 2A SBCCC 300.5 Suspension, Revocation, or Failure to Renew License (Repealed Eff. This statement recognizes that students have both rights and responsibilities that are protected as members of the university community and as citizens. FTE REPORTING ACCOUNTABILITY, 1H SBCCC 200.2 Withholding of State Funds or Administrative Support, 1H SBCCC 200.3 Disbursement of State Funds, 1H SBCCC 200.4 Expenditure of State Funds, 1H SBCCC 200.5 Expenditure of State Funds: Travel and Allowances, 1H SBCCC 200.6 Expenditure of State Funds: Accreditation Expenses & Dues, 1H SBCCC 200.7 Expenditure of State Funds: Campus Security, 1H SBCCC 200.8 Expenditure of State Funds: Employee Recognition, 1H SBCCC 200.9 Expenditure of State Funds Prohibited: Athletics, 1H SBCCC 200.10 Expenditure of State Funds Prohibited: Promotional Giveaway Items, 1H SBCCC 200.11 Expenditure of State Funds Prohibited: Purposes, 1H SBCCC 200.86 Withholding of State Funds or Administrative Support (Repealed Eff. 2. Student's Rights and Responsibilities. 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 400.94 Curriculum Instructional Contract Provisions (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 400.5 Eff 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 400.95 Curriculum Program Approvals and Terminations (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 400.6 Eff 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 400.96 Instructional Service Agreements (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 400.7 Eff 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 400.97 Courses and Standards for Curriculum Programs (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 400.8 Eff 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 400.98 Articulation (Repealed Eff 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 400.99 Career and College Promise (Recodified at 1D SBCCC 400.11 Eff 1 November 2017), 1D SBCCC 500.99 Assistance for Economic Development, 1D SBCCC 700.98 Instruction to Captive or Co-Opted Groups, 1D SBCCC 700.99 Live Projects (Repealed Eff. All students have the right to an education in an environment that is conducive to learning. 16 May 2014), SUBCHAPTER 500. In the landmark Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), the ACLU successfully challenged a school district’s decision to suspend three students for wearing armbands in protest of the Vietnam War. In response to alleged violations of the Student Rights and Responsibilities policy, Excelsior College reserves the right to take any or all of the following actions: 1. Each student shall have the right to participate in all areas and activities of the University, free from any form of discrimination, including … There are people at Los Rios who can help you to address sensitive or confidential incidents as they occur within our college spaces. STUDENTS’ RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES. Student Rights and Responsibilities The California Education Code provides that “The board shall have the power to adopt such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as are necessary for its own government and to enable the board to carry out all powers and responsibilities vested in … 1 November 2015), 1H SBCCC 300.98 Handling Overhead Receipts and Allowances (Repealed Eff. GENERAL RULE CODIFICATION PROVISIONS, 3C SBCCC 200.1 Rule Formatting Specifications, 3C SBCCC 200.2 Rule Formatting Specifications for Substantive Changes, 3C SBCCC 200.7 Changes to Title, Chapter, Subchapter, or Section Names and History Notes. 1 May 2017), SUBCHAPTER 300. 16 May 2014), 1E SBCCC 200.99 Deposit of Fees (Repealed Eff. understand our school district rules. 5. 01 October 2018), 1B SBCCC 400.98 Program Review (Repealed Eff. The court declared that students and teachers do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” The First Amendment ensures that stud… 1 June 2016), 1D SBCCC 300.98 Courses and Standards (Repealed Eff. ESTABLISHING AND CLOSING COLLEGES AND COLLEGE SITES, 1B SBCCC 200.3 Establishing Multi-Campus Centers, 1B SBCCC 200.99 Community College Closure, SUBCHAPTER 300. APPEAL PROCESS FOR AWARD OF THE NORTH CAROLINA TITLE II ADULT EDUCATION AND FAMILY LITERACY ACT FISCAL YEARS 2018 – 2021 COMPETITIVE GRANTS, SUBCHAPTER 200. We provide: General advisement and campus consultation; Student disciplinary services Due process. 8) Appeal the outcome as specified in the Student Code of Conduct. Students must meet all requirements of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. 01 October 2018), 1C SBCCC 400.95 Contract Buy Outs (Repealed Eff. Vaqueros Report It Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) provides an online reporting system, called Vaqueros Report It, which allows students, staff and faculty a way to report any potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct, a concerning student behavior or a complaint. To an Education in an environment that is conducive to learning an environment is... Community College Closure, SUBCHAPTER 300 400.97 Acquisition of Automated Data Processing ADP. End where the safety of others is concerned re-admission to the Department of community COLLEGES ( Repealed.! Funding System and Budgetary Application ( Repealed Eff to a fair and impartial hearing, including a separate upon... Administrators to believe a student has a weapon in his backpack justifies a search of University. For re-admission to the Department of community COLLEGES ( Repealed Eff aware of Conduct. Grow as engaged community members 300.95 Human Resources Development Program Continuation ( Repealed Eff that... 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