These are the most common reasons behind this problem! I am thinking of all the owners going around smelling their dog… It may be an old wives’ tale, but I like to think that freezing out … Why Does My Dog Smell Bad? Aside from the annoying property damage, chewing on wood trim can sometimes be dangerous behavior for dogs and puppies. Your dog could also be dehydrated, making their urine more concentrated and potent. Hair is growing in well (had some hair loss coming out of the shelter). If your dog smells bad try to establish why. Yellow fever can make the skin smell like a butcher's shop. I'm completely mystified. I remember it like it was yesterday—happily hopping into the car with my parents and their dogs as we headed to the beach. Why Your Furry Friend Smells Like Poop – And How to Remedy It. Something fishy was going on … and it was a dog booty! Disclaimer: I am not a vet and all of the information in this guide has been researched online. Although, once you find out why paws smell so delicious, you might not want to put your nose so close again. We hope you have found our article on why your dog smells of biscuits informative and it helps you. Tweet. Why your dog love feathers or might hate them! Scrofula - a lymph node infection - can make a patient smell of stale beer. It’s just down to nature, pure and simple and has no harmful effects for you or your four-legged friend. He now smells like a “normal” dog should smell. Why you might find slugs in your dog’s poop!Â. Allergies, hormonal imbalances, fungus, parasites and localized inflammation can lead to an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria on the skin and cause an unpleasant smell. If your dog smells like fish, it is usually the result of secretions from the anal glands. Seems to be mildly itchy, no hot spots just dry and odorous. Living in Wisconsin means long winters and short summers, but even in winter, I will open the windows at least once. lol, my dog's paws smell of biscuits and her ears smell of honey. There are a few things that could be causing extra harsh-smelling urine. If your dog suddenly becomes smelly, first, check for external causes. An unpleasant smell coming from your dog’s ears is a sign of a health problem. Our top tips for this would be to use blankets for your dog to sit on when they rest on your couch or their bed. Dr. Silver has explained that it can, however, be a sign of infection if you notice that your pet is also licking their paws excessively, have greasy paws or if there is inflammation between the webbed part of the paws. Dental problem. Why you don’t want to feed your dog chicken skin. Just a few minutes into the ride, though, my happy meter plummeted. The biscuit or cookie smell you are getting from your dog will often be described differently by other dog owners. These infections can have bacteria or fungi that may give off a bad order. link to How to Stop a Dog from Chewing on Wood Trim? Most dog owners known this already. It is much easier to regularly clean a blanket than to deep clean your couch. However, it could be a sign of canine diabetes as I recently found out when I researched dogs smelling like maple syrup. Some people find it a comforting, homely smell when they sit close to their dog but others are put off by the whiff and are concerned their whole house may contain the stench.  In this article, we seek to understand what causes a dog to harbour this scent, whether it is something to be concerned about as well as how to eliminate this biscuit smell.Â, Fundamentally, the smell of your dog is caused by bacteria and yeast living in your pet’s paws, furs and ears. 1). The corn chips smell is usually caused by bacteria that are completely natural yet give off a kind of yeasty odor, particularly the bacteria Proteus or Pseudomonas. I go and get him groomed at the local pet store. The Pseudomonas and Proteus bacteria are natural and first develop in soil before getting into your dog’s feet. And the first is – they’re wet. If any of these are present then we would recommend taking your pet to the vets to help to ease any discomfort your four-legged friend may be in. She’s a 9.5 year old pitbull, noticed the burp-urine smell a few months back. The smell itself is natural and perfectly normal but if you notice that your dog is also licking their paws excessively, their paws are greasy or if there is inflammation then we would recommend going to the vets to get your pet checked over incase the scent is linked with something more sinister.Â, Your email address will not be published. Dogs can stink for numerous reasons. The short answer to the question then, is that your dog’s feet smell like corn chips simply because its their natural odor. why does my vagina smell like bacon dog treats? Either a faint digestive biscuit smell or perhaps it’s more akin to a cheesy cracker. Wet food is also more potent in taste, so your dog may be drawn to the smell and taste of it. 1stBabyDueInSept!=) It should go without saying, but if your dog’s feet are excessively stinky or swollen or have a discharge, a trip to the vet is definitely in order. Smelling our pets can calm us. You may even want to plan a visit. The biscuit smell coming from your dog’s paws is something that you won’t be able to eradicate. Wet dog smell can really hit the back of your throat. We’ve seen so many reasons to consult your veterinary surgeon in this article so far. Reasons Why My Dog Stinks Does Smell Like Dogs! mental_floss editor-in-chief Jason English has long suggested that I look into the science of why his dog Bailey's feet smell like popcorn. I was walking with my son the other day when we encountered someone with their service dog. There are quite a few reasons why a dog smells bad. An infection could be at work, or urine crystals or stones in the bladder. This will determine how the corn chip smell is treated. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. It’s our responsibility as owners to not just ensure that our furniture and... Why Can’t You Pet a Service Dog? How to Stop a Dog from Chewing on Wood Trim? This particular smell often comes from dog feet. If your pet isn’t presenting any other symptoms, and it is simply the biscuit smell that you want to eliminate then you can try scrubbing your dog’s paws more regularly with water and a dog friendly shampoo or wash. Avoid using sprays or any soaps that are not designed specifically for your dog, you may be in a rush to remove the scent and mask it with a stronger one but we wouldn’t want you to harm your dog in any way in the process. If you have any concerns about the smell of your dog, you should consult with a professional. It’s just so weird that I decided to do some research into it – it’s nothing to do with something they ate! If your dog has a smelly fishy, the following could be the reasons why: 1. My dog smells like stale bacon and fresh air mixed. Some small breeds are especially prone to dental problems like gum disease. If bacteria are the root cause, it’s perfectly normal unless it gets over-whelming, or you notice your dog licking his paws excessively. However, we understand that not everyone will feel this way. Dental infections, which can cause a rotten, decaying smell from the infected and rotting tissue in the mouth, are also a source of bad smells. Some say it’s like popcorn, others compare it to corn chips and crisps – but they all have one thing in common… it’s derived from a yeasty smell. Dr. Mazin Abdullah answered. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. Why Do My Dog's Paws Smell Like Fritos? Dogs who like to stop, drop and roll at the sight and smell of a rotting carcass or animal feces will stink long past their date with the great outdoors. Should I be concerned if my dog smells of biscuits? Dogs have a unique smell, it is not a bad smell but anyone who has ever hugged or played with a dog will know this. When your dog takes a bath or goes for a swim, the water causes the release of stinky compounds. The smell itself is perfectly natural and normal. A few questions come to mind. The truth of the matter is that feet stink. Despite our differing hygiene routines, both human and dog paws can get pretty funky. Your dog may be making too much oil in response to skin irritation, or too little oil, especially if you have been giving your dog frequent baths to try to combat the smell or irritation. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. If the odor really does bother you, or it becomes much stronger than normal, treat your pup to a mini pedicure. In that case, you should consult with your vet. That way you will be able to deal with the situation and find the proper solution. Or that corn chips smell could just be your dog's natural odor. Handy Hint: Did you know that dogs can smell like fish when they are scared? Another problem specific to certain breeds is Gingival Hyperplasia, the overgrowth of the gums that can harbor small bits of food and produce a rotten smell. “The water molecules have displaced the smaller volatile compounds which are odoriferous,” explains George Preti, a scientist and expert on body odor, based at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in … Why does my dog smell like digestive biscuits or cookies? Many dog owners have realized there is a specific funk associated with their pup, and that dog paws smell like corn chips. I thought the odor was a quirk of Bailey's. 14 years experience Fertility Medicine. However, if the dog is on an unbalanced or poor diet, then good food lights up their brains like Xmas. Yeast and bacteria get trapped there each time your dog goes for a walk. The next time you notice the sweet smell of digestive biscuits coming from your dog, embrace it. Dr. Robert J. All can develop in-between the toes of your dog where it’s warm, damp, and not a lot of air circulation. It can range from mild odor to full-blown halitosis. Weird combination, I know, but that’s the only way I can put it into words. Why does my dog smell.....? Share. And to be honest, human feet odors can be a whole lot worse than that, if you ask me! If you think this is the reason behind your canine’s smell, consult your vet for further instructions. Even the cleanest dogs have trillions of bacteria living on their skin. Silver has explained that pseudomonas and proteus are the names of the two type of natural bacteria that travel from soil or water to your pet’s paws; and it is this that creates the smell of biscuits, popcorn or chips that many pet owners have commented on.Â. Wet dog food is good for older dogs, too, because it's easier to chew. Although it is probably one of the most common, canine seborrhea is not the only skin issue that can cause an odor. Let’s be honest, the smell could be a lot, lot worse! But like 1 hour after we get home he starts smelling again. Did it roll in something stinky – feces, rotting fish, etc.? Bad Breath . 9 Answers. Yeast infections can cause a smell that’s either sickly-sweet or sour. If the smell is coming from your dog’s fur (rather than her breath), it might be caused by a yeast infection. Thankfully, this faintly food-related smell is, in most cases, just a curiosity.”. Why does my dog’s burps smell like pee? Is it his breath? You may enjoy the biscuit smell of your dog when you cuddle up to them but perhaps you don’t want your whole house to harbour this scent. Why does my dog smell of biscuits? 3 Reasons. Typhoid makes the skin smell like freshly baked bread. For some reason, lots of people think they smell alike.”, “Bacteria and fungi live on the skin of healthy animals, including dogs. Dr. Robert J. The feet, being what they are; on the ground, walking in stuff, and occasionally licked by the dog’s tongue (containing additional microbes) may have more of an odour than the rest of the body. But dog’s feet, trampling through the grass and dirt, being licked, with moist folds of skin and fur between the toe pads, are breeding grounds for bacteria and yeast. So we’re going to finish on a couple of straightforward and easy to resolve reasons why your dog might smell. I also read an article on the Daily Mail where they interviewed a vet. Some of the bacteria on your dog, namely Proteus and Pseudomonas, emits a yeasty odor. The number one cause of bad breath in dogs, just like people, is the build-up of plaque and tartar on their teeth. Hmmmm: I never smelled bacon dog treats If you have a malodorous vagina I suggest seeing your Gynecologist as this may be … Why does my dog smell of biscuits? Why does my dog smell like fish? Ever wonder: "Why does my dog smell like fish?" People who are not accustom to dog may tend to think that a dog … You could also purchase a dog bed with a removable and washable cover – meaning that you can remove the cover, eliminate the smell from it and replace the fresh cover once it is dry. All can develop in-between the toes of your dog where it’s warm, damp, and not a lot of air circulation. Labradors are more prone to ear infections and parasites than dogs with upright ears. Bad breath is very common, especially among puppies. How can I get rid of my dog’s biscuit smell? 3 Reasons, dogs can smell like fish when they are scared, I researched dogs smelling like maple syrup. Dogs really do have some weird and wonderful smells sometimes. This makes people think of corn chips and that’s how this legend was born. Here's what you need to know about why we like the smell of our pets. link to Why Can’t You Pet a Service Dog? Dogs’ feet and ears can sometimes smell like digestive biscuits or cookies due to a build-up of yeast, Proteus bacteria, or Pseudomonas bacteria. It’s normal for your dog’s ears to have a light yeasty smell. I feel bad for her, having to smell like that perfume crap. Fundamentally, the smell of your dog is caused by bacteria and yeast living in your pet’s paws, furs and ears. What do you think? I am the proud dad of Claude the French Bulldog. 1 doctor answer. Some of these causes are more serious than others. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. Just as people's feet sweat, so do canine paws. By using blankets, it means you can regularly machine wash these and replace them with a clean blanket in the meantime. There are several reasons why dogs smell! That’s the short answer, and it doesn’t sound too nice, but don’t worry… unless there’s a really pungent smell coming from your dog, it’s usually nothing serious. It can be quite disgusting but it is possible to prevent it. Depending on where they’ve been or what they’ve been up to can really influence their odours. Another part of your dog where an infection is usually the cause of a smell is it’s ears. Required fields are marked *. The DoggySaurus website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I supplement fish oil (4 capsules a day). We have also offered some suggestions of how to eliminate the scent – we would love to hear your feedback of whether these worked for you or any other suggestions you have. She otherwise has normal dog breath and is the only pet, so she’s not getting into a litter box, and is never outside unattended. Sometimes that urine smell is quite strong and can include a harsh, ammonia-like scent. A lot of people love the biscuit smell of their dog and even find it comforting. Ear Infections. The DoggySaurus website is run by Marc Aaron. Silver has explained that pseudomonas and proteus are the names of the two type of natural bacteria that travel from soil or water to your pet’s paws; and it is this that creates the smell of biscuits, popcorn or chips that many pet owners have commented on. Another cause of dog odor can be due to skin issues, dental problems, bacteria, or ear infections. My dog, Barney, has has dry skin and flakes with a persistent wet dog smell — even after bathing. Regular washes will keep this strange body odor under control. I know that when a dog smells bad, it can sometimes be a poor diet, but that wouldn't explain why they smell good. How can I eliminate my dog’s scent from the house? Why Does My Dog Smell? There is nothing like God-given natural fresh air to get rid of the dog smell. Pin it. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They are usually higher in protein and have a long shelf life when unopened. Relevance. Why does my dog always smell like corn chips? Have you ever been cuddling up with your four-legged friend and noticed a faint, or perhaps even strong, whiff of what can only be described as biscuits? Dental problems are the leading cause of bad smell among dogs. The reason why they have that smell is rather mundane, but we’ll get to that. Infectious organisms such as fungi and bacteria like the ears very much as a place to replicate since the environment is warm and moist. Answer Save. I write about the things I've learned about owning a dog, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips I've picked up along the way. Many dogs’ paws do smell like Fritos (or popcorn, depending on who you ask). I thought she might be rolling in my laundry, maybe on some used dryer sheets, but that doesn't explain why she'd smell like food. All of the advice and content on this website is written from my own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. If your dog has feet that smell like corn chips due to an infection, your veterinarian may run a test to see if the pododermatitis is due to bacteria, yeast, or both. She also sticks her feet in my face at night. 1. You can see what interesting bacteria smells your dog might also get over time in this article on Discover Magazine. Your email address will not be published. Do either of those have anything to do with it? UK Dog Blog - Product Guides and Expert Articles. If you enjoyed reading this then you might also like these other guides which have a lot more in-depth research to them… all to do with your dog! She also sleeps on her back. There isn't a lot of formal scientific research to back this one up specifically, but the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming: Taking a good sniff of your pupper or kitten can have a wonderfully calming effect. Great thread. He is a Great Dane, and he goes outside to potty. From what I can gather, you shouldn’t worry too much if your dog smells like cookies or digestive biscuits. Dogs’ feet and ears can sometimes smell like digestive biscuits or cookies due to a build-up of yeast, Proteus bacteria, or Pseudomonas bacteria. But one smell that has always confounded me; the smell of biscuits! All the moisture, no air circulation, and places to get trapped are an ideal breeding ground. Here’s what the vet said about dogs smelling like biscuits, corn chips, or popcorn:Â, “Owners have somehow confused the aroma of corn chips with that of the yeast that’s growing inside a pup’s ears and in between his toes. My grandma perposefully masks her dog’s natural smell and covers it with this flowery stuff that you can smell for days just around the house. Barney is a pointer, shepherd mix 9 mos old. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. Infected ears can smell horrible. You have bacteria on your skin and, like humans, so does your dog. Wet Dog Smell. My dog’s ears smell. Goes outside to potty I researched dogs smelling like maple syrup whole lot worse to. Local pet store on Wood Trim can sometimes be dangerous behavior for dogs and.... S paws, furs and ears weird combination, I know, but we ’ ve up... And it helps you you shouldn’t worry too much if your dog 's natural odor after... It helps you the moisture, no hot spots just dry and.. 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