In Karachi, large employment opportunities, burgeoning population and the availability of cheap labour might be the contributing factors for the increasing prevalence of child labour. Mohammad Abbas Ali, Mohammad Vaqas Ali, Faiza Abbas, Hidden hazardous child labor as a complex human rights phenomenon: A case study of child labor in Pakistanâs brick-making industry, Cogent Social Sciences, 10.1080/23311886.2017.1369486, 3, 1, (2017). Nonetheless, the 5 countries with the highest burden of child pneumonia deathsâIndia, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Afghanistan âare not proportionally represented in our literature review. This article uses empirical evidence, based on labour market indicators, to analyse the factors influencing the incidence of child labour in Pakistan, from both supply and demand sides. The different requirements for the two types of trafficking may be related to the ability of children to work legally in the United States in certain situations (Owens et al. Social Problem In Pakistan What is Child Labor? Here are the three things you need to know about child labor in Pakistan and how lawmakers are putting an end to this problem. It is anticipated that when economies are open to external competition, this will benefit the poor in those economies, and hence lead to a contraction of child labor. 5. This study investigates the impact of trade liberalization on child labor using micro-level datasets of urban Pakistan. Khouzam discusses the issue of child labor in his show, which was viewed in Al Hurra TV channel. Child labour in pakistan 1. Introduction Causes of child labor Types of child labor in Pakistan Effects of child labor Pakistan⦠He visited many poor areas in Egypt in order to discover the causes of child labor. More than 12.5 million children are involved in child labor in Pakistan. 2014). The mistreatment of domestic help â and by extension, child domestic workers â is all too common in Pakistani cities. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children/Sex Trafficking.) Literature Review Child Labor is one of the major consequences that results of poverty. ABSTRACT. literature review on . Daniel D. Shephard, Nonformal education for improving educational outcomes for street children and street youth in developing countries: A systematic review, International Journal of Social Welfare, 10.1111/ijsw.12080, 23, 4, (349-361), (2014). Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, February, 2020: Current Contents Bulletin (PBS Library) (December, 2020) Fresh Arrivals Bulletin (PBS Library) (December, 2020) BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW Child labour is rampant in Ethiopia and its children are generally working- children, despite laws and regulations that prohibit children from engaging in exploitative work detrimental to their physical, mental and social development. Literature Review On Child Labor 770 Words | 4 Pages. Children play a major role in economic development in Ethiopia, especially in the rural areas.
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